This Thursday, I'm thankful for my ability to create things. I'm even more thankful that I'm able to share this gift with my girls (and that they humor me, most of the time).
Some of our projects from the past year -
The girls made Valentine's cards with sponge stamps.
C's Toy Story birthday cake with cake stand.
scalloped edge baby quilt and tie-top bag for my BFF's new baby boy
peach preserves - my first (on my own) canning experience
A's scrapbooking bag - She also attended her first crop this past fall!
This fantastic little cabinet was orange and yellow - really bright orange and yellow - before I got a hold of it. We saw it at Goodwill one Saturday morning, and I knew it would fit that little space perfectly! I left Adam at Goodwill with the instructions to guard it with his life while I ran home to measure the space. Thankfully he humored me, but told me no way was it going in our dining room in its fabulously circus-colored state. :)
crayon wreath with A as a back-to-school project
C's elephant costume!
A's horse birthday cake - it was made using the same pan my mom used for many of my birthday cakes!
A's doll bed (an A & Adam project) and the bedding
plans for the bed here
plans for the bed here
Christmas crafts with the girls
Possibly my favorite - this tree wall hanging. It was a Christmas gift for my mom made with fabric that had my been grandma's (her mom). Those leaves - that same fabric was her kitchen curtains.