Oh no, not for me. We moved 3 times in the first 3 years of A’s life, and my desire to pack up and do it all over again right now is about zero.
I’m talking about Little Sister! She’s moving into her first apartment!! Exciting! Hopefully everything goes smoothly for her!
Unlike this furniture moving adventure we had 9 years ago.
(Excuse the cell pic of the photo. This was taken waaaaaaaay back in 2003,
before everyone and their brother had a digital camera.)
We drove a mile like this – with Little Sister holding the door closed while practically sitting inside the bookcase in the backseat of my '93 Escort.
Looking back, it probably would have been easier to put the back seats down and load it in the trunk. Maybe we even thought about that, but nixed the idea because that would have involved cleaning out my trunk. YIKES! And really, doing things the "normal" way has never been my strong suit!
LOL, that picture cracks me up!
Being my little sister had to have been fabulous...er, interesting. :)